Thursday, March 7, 2013


Go Beyond Your LIMIT was a phrase/mantra i threw around when i first started training.

mostly cuz of this commercial:

yeah, yeah, i went beyond my limits when i got off the couch and started running. 
yeah, yeah, i signed up for a half marathon without a reasonable amount of experience.
yeah, yeah, i ran 5 miles - further than i'd ever run before.

but this phrase has kicked into high gear with me this week.
the mileage is increasing.  the workouts are getting longer.
and my body hurts. 
my legs ache....all the time. different parts of my legs hurt nearly every day.
it's wearing on me.
it's exciting to get those large miles in.  but it's not fun to come home from those runs and hardly be able to walk my dog for a few days or do much more than put my feet up and nap with a quilt.

but this week, it dawned on me.....


aches and pains are a limit.
exhaustion is a limit.
doubt is a limit.

there will always be new limits.
the key is:
find your limits. then exceed them.

1 comment:

  1. That diagram explains it so well!!!

    Trust will all be worth it after you cross that line!!
